It’s here!
Time to grab your journal and a pen and set intentions together.
Your Prompts
For this talk, I highly suggest you have a journal and pen at hand and take your time to reflect on your intentions and how you can manifest these. If you’d like you can bring some ritual to this process by lighting up candles, gathering or favourite crystals, brewing a herbal tea or anything else that is meaningful to you.
In the first part of this talk we’ll discuss the importance, as well as my process, for setting clear and focused intentions. For this section, your journalling prompt is:
Using the SMART principles, outline 1 to three intentions that feel truth to you. Remember to focus on the WHAT!, make sure they’re Specific, Measurable, Achievable and Time-Bound, Keep it simple, Be positive and realistic but don’t play small.
Then we’ll move into manifestation techniques and how they can be a powerful tool to ensure aligned action. Your journalling prompts for this section are:
What are the thoughts you have about yourself that are holding you back and what is the evidence for this?
How would you feel if your intentions manifested?
Create a small list of actions can you take towards your intentions.
Pause the video whenever you want some reflection time. I’ll prompt you to do it together with the prompts above as we go.
Happy Manifesting!